Rely on ordinary razor, wax, depilatory creams and other surfaces can only solve the problem temporarily. Only by using a laser and IPL therapy, and 4-6 times in order to completely remove the hair.
Epilation Four Lies II: shaving, plucking does not cause skin laxity
Slack especially in the face, the slightest mistake can cause more skin irritation. Therefore, we must maintain hygiene during epilation epilation tools work. Try to avoid "hard pull" the job. It can be replaced by other hair removal method.
Four Lies epilation three: legs getting up getting up more crude
This is a misconception. Foreign research indicates that long-term use razor shaving, hair color does not change the diameter of body hair and will not be repeated scraping and becomes rough.
Coarse hair getting up an illusion, because the razor scraped the hair, the hair is just part of the skin exposed to the surface, it does not affect the hair follicles under the skin, so it will not speed up hair growth or make hair thicker.
And razor cut the hair follicle outlet, the location is the most thick hair place, will leave a large section after shaving, the remaining feather touch up, only to produce rough illusion.
Epilation Four Lies Four: physiological period to be shed
Because of the influence of hormones, Permanent hair removal machine the amount of bleeding, the body endurance level of pain will vary with the usual, so when menstruation body and then feel a little discomfort, if more laser, IPL treatments, discomfort naturally intensified.
In Laser treatment, the laser is focused on the target area; it falls directly at the hair follicles and excites the melanin. The melanin in turn gets transformed into heat energy and soon gets exhausted totally. The laser invades the small blood vessels which supply nutrition to the follicles and disconnect them. Thus the follicles no more receive nutrition and growth ceases. However, the process might be repeated if hair density is too much. To avail cheap and effective services look for best clinic for laser hair removal in Delhi.